Malayalam movie director Nirmal Baby Varghese has announced his next titled ‘Vazhiye’, an independent found footage horror thriller. Interestingly, Hollywood music composer Evan Evans will work in the movie too.

The young director has also shared an announcement video with the title poster of the movie.

Another interesting fact is Vazhiye is going to be the first Malayalam movie to be made entirely in the found footage style of filming. The movie depicts the story of two YouTube vloggers, who decide to make a documentary film about a mystery land, they are confronted with havoc and hell they could never expect.

Evan is known for his film scores in several Hollywood films like, Hoboken Hollow (2005), Jack Rio (2008), Never Surrender (2009), War Flowers (2012), Game of Assassins (2013), etc. He has scored countless movies over the last 25 years in Hollywood. He is a world renown specialist on the psychology of music in the dramatic arts who has innovated groundbreaking techniques for using music under visuals. Evans is the son of legendary Bill Evans who was 8-time Grammy Award Winner and 31-time Grammy Nominated jazz pianist. 

Produced by Baby Chaithanya under the banner of Casablanca Film Factory. Newcomers Jefin Joseph, Aswathy Anil Kumar, Adina and Kanakaraj play the lead roles. The camera is cranked by Midhun Eravil, Shobin Francis and Kiran Kambrath. The film’s initial work is expected to begin in the end of this month.

Meanwhile, Nirmal’s documentary film Thariode will be released soon. He is also planning a cinematic remake of this documentary. Remake is titled as ‘Thariode: The Lost City’. Director has previously revealed a list of major international actors, including Bill Hutchens, Luing Andrews, Alexx O’Nell, Courtney Sanello, Amelie Leroy, Brendan Byrne and Legendary actor Roger Ward.

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