The BJP national leadership has reportedly allowed Union Minister of State Suresh Gopi to act in movies. The official confirmation would be communicated in a few days. There are also reports that the actor has allotted eight days for the first schedule of the shoot and that he has begun growing his beard. The actor who was seen in a bearded look for a long time had shaved off his beard last month as the leadership didn’t give him permission to act in movies. Sources claimed that the actor will begin shooting for the movie on December 29.

'Ottakomban' is Suresh Gopi’s first movie after he took oath as Minister of State. The actor had earlier maintained that the movie would go on the floors in September, which was stalled as he did not receive permission from the Centre.


'Ottakomban' which was announced to go on floors in 2020 is directed by Mathew Thomas. However, the movie was shelved later following allegations of similarities with Prithviraj starrer 'Kaduva.' The shoot of the film, which is being made on a budget of Rs 25 crore, will take place in Pala, Kochi, Mangaluru and Malaysia. Biju Menon, Mukesh, Vijayaraghavan, Ranji Panicker, Johny Antony and Sudhi Kopa are also part of the movie. The makers plan to cast the female lead and villain characters from Bollywood.

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