Jagathy Sreekumar known for his onscreen wit and acting prowess is making a grand comeback to the silver screen with the upcoming movie 'Vala', in which he will play a different character. The makers of the movie released Jagathy's first look poster and his look has garnered a lot of excitement since it is different from any onscreen character he has played in the past. He will play Professor Ambili aka Uncle Lunar.

Jagathy who met with a near-fatal accident in 2012 has stayed away from films and made a brief appearance in the K Madhu-S N Swamy film 'CBI 5'. However, 'Vala' is expected to be his major comeback. Arun Chandu who directed the critically-acclaimed sci-fi mockumentary 'Gaganachari' made the announcement on his social media pages. “The maestro of comedy is back !! Happy Birthday to the legendary Jagathy Sreekumar. Get ready to witness his iconic return in Vala as Professor Ambili, aka Uncle Lunar. The stage is set for a comeback like no other!,” he wrote. The poster was released on the actor's birthday on Sunday.


Earlier, the makers released an intriguing announcement video of the film featuring Gokul Suresh and Aju Varghese, adding to the anticipation. Fans and cinephiles are actively discussing whether 'Vala' is a continuation of the 'Gaganachari' storyline or the beginning of an entirely new cinematic universe. The film's poster, captioned, "Are we living in a simulation? The apocalypse is here. The dead are rising, and survival is the only option," has sparked numerous speculations and in-depth analyses on social media.

The film brings together an ensemble cast, including Gokul Suresh and Aju Varghese, alongside familiar faces from 'Gaganachari', including Anarkali Marakkar, K B Ganesh Kumar, John Kaippallil, and Arjun Nandakumar. Notably, 'Vala' produced by Underdog Entertainments in collaboration with Letters Entertainment, marks the first time Gokul Suresh and Madhav Suresh will share the screen.