Actor Naga Chaitanya and his bride-to-be Sobhita Dhulipala will get married at 8.15 pm at the Annapurna Studios in Hyderabad on Wednesday. The actors are expected to visit the Tirupati Balaji Temple or the Srisailam Temple after the wedding, as per traditional customs. While Sobhita has opted to wear a Kanjivaram sari with accessories, including gold jewellery, Naga will wear a pancha, which is a kurta paired with a dhoti for the function.
The wedding will be solemnised as per Telugu Brahmin traditions. Sobhita recently celebrated her Pelli Kuturu ceremony, a traditional bridal shower, which is usually done before the girl becomes a bride. Mangalasnaanam rituals which is a Telugu version of Haldi was also observed along with the Pelli Kuthuru, where the bride seeks blessings for the marriage.


Naga and Sobhita’s close friends from the industry and high-profile celebrities, including the Daggubati family, Mega family and Mahesh Babu's family are expected to attend the elaborate wedding. The couple, who got engaged on August 8 met each other at a house party in 2022. Naga had revealed how he was impressed by Sobitha's performance in one of her movies, following which, he decided to invite her to his home.

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