Actor Vishnu confirms Charmila’s allegations against director Hariharan

Charmila, Hariharan, Vishnu. Photo: Manorama News

Actor Vishnu has confirmed the allegations made by actress Charmila against director Hariharan. According to Vishnu, the director asked him, 'Will she adjust?' Vishnu explained that he was instructed to ask Charmila if she would comply with certain demands. When Charmila responded that she would not, Vishnu conveyed this to Hariharan. As a result, Charmila lost her opportunity in the film 'Parinayam', Vishnu revealed to Manorama News.

Charmila had previously accused Hariharan of asking Vishnu if she would 'adjust'. She also recounted a distressing incident on the set of the movie 'Arjunan Pillayum Anchu Makkalum', where she claimed there was an attempt to assault her. According to Charmila, both the producer and the production manager tried to molest her by pulling at her saree, and a male assistant was physically assaulted when he intervened. The receptionist was also complicit in the attempt.

Charmila described how she narrowly escaped the situation by running out of the room, with auto drivers outside the hotel helping her to safety. She further revealed that she was recently booked for a shoot that never took place and was asked for 'adjustments'. Most of her bad experiences, she stated, occurred in the Malayalam film industry. Charmila admitted that refusing to comply with inappropriate demands has led to a decrease in the opportunities offered to her.

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