Malayali actor Vishak Nair who was last seen in Manju Warrier's film 'Footage' is all set to star in Kangana Ranaut's 'Emergency'. However, the actor has now revealed that he has received death threats from a section of people who 'wrongly' believe he will play Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale in the movie. The actor took to his Instagram handle and clarified that he will be playing Sanjay Gandhi and not Jarnail Singh in the movie.
“For the last few days, I have been receiving death threats, lewd messages and mentions from some people who wrongly believe that I have essayed the role of Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale in Emergency.
I would like to once again reiterate that I have played the role of Sanjay Gandhi in this film. I request the people in question to kindly check your facts before spreading hate and misinformation,” he wrote on Instagram.

'B32 Muthal 44 Vare' filmmaker Sruthi Saranyam said it was disturbing that any actor should face death threats for any character they do. Others also came out in supppot of Vishak, stating it was sad that the actor had to clarify his work.
'Emergency' is an upcoming biopic revolving around Indira Gandhi and is directed and co-produced by Kangana Ranaut. The Bollywood actor plays the titular role in the movie.

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