AMMA is not a 'gang' suppressing anyone: Lal

Lal confessed that it was he who forced Joy Mathew to contest for a position in the executive committee. Photo: YouTube

Actor–filmmaker Lal defended the Association of Malayalam Movie Artists, saying that the organisation wasn’t a gang that suppressed anyone. He also claimed there is no trouble brewing between the members and that there is unity in AMMA.
“Those who committed a mistake should be punished. The allegations should be investigated and the perpetrators shouldn’t be spared. However, an innocent person who has been wrongly or mistakenly accused should not be punished. Everyone asks us why we are not doing anything. So, let the media tell to us what should be done as there will always be two sides to everything. The same questions will be asked if one person or an entire executive committee resigns,” he said. He said no one can be branded 'bad' in AMMA. “Let seniors or juniors take up the leadership of AMMA. The meetings are usually peaceful and we calmly take decisions. AMMA is not a gang who try to suppress someone,” Lal said.

Lal confessed that it was he who forced Joy Mathew to contest for a position in the executive committee. Joy had apparently told Lal that he couldn’t be involved in the fights within AMMA. But, Lal pushed him to stand for the elections. Lal recalls that after winning the election and becoming a member of the executive Joy was impressed by the leadership, calling them a group of kind-hearted people who are interested in taking good decisions.

The actor remarked that since actors are not politicians or highly intelligent people, they are bound to make some mistakes; but he firmly believes that they are good people. “It is true that there are some problems in the industry. But it happens everywhere. I am not washing off my hands from the issue. Things like this shouldn’t happen anywhere. However, it happens more frequently in movies. It may happen when there are long schedules or when people stay in the same hotel. In Mukesh’s case, it is the political party that should take the decision. I am not a politician; I don’t know what is happening there. If he has committed the crime, then it should be investigated and he should be punished,” Lal noted.

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