Art director Manu Jagadh reveals harrowing experience during 'Pranchiyettan & the Saint' shoot

Manu Jagadh. Photo: Facebook

Renowned art director Manu Jagadh recently opened up about a troubling experience he faced in the film industry. Sharing his story on social media, Manu recounted the incident by posting the poster of the film 'Pranchiyettan & the Saint', directed by Ranjith.
Manu revealed that while working on the film, he had to travel from Chennai to Thrissur at midnight for a shoot. Upon arrival, he was shocked to discover that the accommodation arranged for him was in a hotel embroiled in a police case. Despite the unsettling situation, Manu stayed on with the project out of respect for the director and his passion for cinema. However, he expressed his frustration, stating that such deceptive practices must come to an end.

The art director detailed his experience, explaining that a production controller had assigned him a hotel in Thrissur. Late at night, Manu and the production manager arrived at the building, only to find it in a state of neglect. The building was surrounded by withered palm trees tied up with police tape, and dry leaves were scattered around. There were no lights, and the entire atmosphere was eerie. Initially, Manu thought it might be remnants from a film shoot, but as they waited, an elderly man appeared with a set of keys.

The man questioned how they ended up at this particular hotel and informed them that the property was involved in a police investigation. He then led them to the upper floors, mentioning that the building had no electricity or water. As they climbed the stairs, Manu was hit by an unbearable stench that filled the entire building. When they finally opened a room, pigeons flew out through an open window, and the room itself was in disarray, with the carpet rolled up on the bed and a strong odour permeating the air. To make matters worse, loud construction noise from a nearby site echoed through the room.

Feeling helpless, the production manager apologised to Manu, explaining that he had no choice but to follow orders from his superiors. Despite the discomfort and the poor conditions, Manu decided to stay, driven by his admiration for the director and his commitment to the film. However, he was left questioning how a hotel under police investigation could be arranged for him, and he endured several similar deceitful situations throughout the project.

Manu expressed his disappointment at the way things were handled, emphasising that such practices need to be eradicated from the industry. He also called for significant changes to ensure the safety and well-being of workers in the film sector, stressing the need for unions and leadership that prioritize these concerns.

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