Shweta Menon demands Baburaj’s resignation over allegations of sexual abuse

Shweta Menon, Baburaj

The Association of Malayalam Movie Artists (AMMA) is in turmoil following sexual allegations within the film industry. Shweta Menon has called for Baburaj to step down from his position as acting General Secretary in response to these allegations. Shweta states that anyone facing such accusations, regardless of their seniority, should step aside to maintain the integrity of the organization.

Shweta also dismissed Baburaj’s assertion that the allegations were a ploy to prevent him from becoming the General Secretary. She urged him to reveal who he believes is behind this alleged obstruction, urging for transparency in the matter.

In a recent development, actor Baburaj denied the accusations made by a junior artist, who claimed he sexually abused her at his home in Aluva in 2019. Baburaj alleged that certain individuals within the film industry are orchestrating the controversy. He further suggested that if the artist truly stands by her allegations, she should be willing to reveal her identity publicly.

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