Sandra Thomas questions silence of film unions on Hema Commission report

Sandra Thomas urged the film associations to end their silence. Photo: Facebook

Producer Sandra Thomas has questioned the silence of various film organisations on the findings of the Hema Commission report. In a post that has now gone viral on social media, Sandra said organisation leaders should clear their stance regarding the stories of sexual abuse and powerful lobby mentioned in the Hema Commission report. “Malayalam cinema is being ridiculed in the face of the issues pointed out in the report. Why are the film unions not speaking up? This will make one suspect that all these organisations are under the control of the 15-member power group mentioned in the Hema Commission report,” she said, adding that no one requires a week to study the findings in the report.

She also spoke about the gravity of the situation and added that the findings were based on incidents that happened several years ago. “Malayalam cinema and the report is being discussed in detail across the state. If we do not clarify our stance regarding these findings, people will accuse us,” she wrote.
The Hema Commission report which was published by the state government on Tuesday has exposed the dark underbelly of the Malayalam film industry, which is celebrated for its unique and realistic content across other film industries.

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