'2018' is a survival thriller inspired by the catastrophic Kerala floods of 2018. Directed by Jude Anthany Joseph, who co-wrote the screenplay with Akhil P. Dharmajan, the film portrays the harrowing experiences of individuals from diverse backgrounds as they confront the devastating effects of the floods. The story captures the resilience and unity of the people of Kerala as they band together to endure the disaster.

'2018' is a well-made film that recreates one of Kerala's worst moments in recent memory
Making movies on real-life incidents comes with a lot of risks. There's always a possibility of delivering a film that can leave the audience feeling unsatisfactory; if it is made too real, it might not quench your aesthetic sensibilities.
Jude Anthany Joseph's '2018: Everyone is a Hero' is a well-balanced film that will leave you satisfied, and keep you engaged till the end. Read more here.


'2018' to Oscars: What history tells the filmmakers
'And the Oscar Goes to,' a Malayalam film directed by Saleem Ahamed, perfectly captured the hard work and resilience of those who dream to make it big at the Academy Awards. ‘Guru’ opened new possibilities for Malayalam filmmakers when it became the first film to be selected from the state as the country's official entry for the Oscars. History is being repeated, with '2018' being selected for the 2024 edition of the Academy Awards. Read more here.