Director Aishwarya Rajinikanth, during the audio launch event of 'Lal Salaam,' addressed a sensitive matter by affirming that her father, Rajinikanth, is not aligned with any Sanghi ideology. The event, held in Chennai on January 26, provided a platform for Aishwarya to discuss the social media branding her father has faced, bringing him to tears with her words.

Aishwarya Rajinikanth shared insights into the recent personal attacks her father endured on social media during the event. Expressing her perspective, she said, "I generally stay away from social media, but my team often tells me what's happening and keep showing some posts. I used to get angry seeing them. We're human beings too." Shedding light on the term 'Sanghi,' she revealed, "In recent times, many people call my father a Sanghi. I asked someone what was the meaning of Sanghi, and they said that people who support a particular political party are called Sanghi."


In a clear declaration, Aishwarya stated, "I'd like to make it clear here, Rajinikanth is not a Sanghi. If he was, he wouldn't have done a film like 'Lal Salaam.'"