Aamir Khan's daughter, Ira Khan, and Nupur Shikhare tied the knot in Mumbai on January 3rd. The couple exchanged vows after getting engaged in Italy in September last year. Two months later, an intimate engagement party brought together family and close friends, including Imran Khan, Aamir's ex-wives Reena Dutta and Kiran Rao, and actor Fatima Sana Shaikh.

Despite the joyous occasion, the couple faced online trolling since the public disclosure of their relationship. Criticism, particularly targeting Ira's outfit, arose during their engagement, reflecting the challenges of navigating public attention and scrutiny.


On the wedding day, Nupur Shikhare made a unique entrance, navigating heavy traffic in a vest and shorts, followed by the paparazzi. This video has since gone viral, drawing attention and sparking discussions about the unconventional choice of attire. Interestingly, Nupur even opted for the same vest and shorts when registering the marriage, leading to varied reactions in the comments section.

Comments ranged from humorous observations like "Ladka sidhe gym se aaya tha shadi karne" to playful jabs such as "Sherwani ke paise bach gaye." The unconventional attire choice prompted discussions about breaking norms and doing things differently, with some expressing admiration for the couple's distinctive approach.  

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