Actor Lakshmika Sajeevan (27), who shot to fame with her powerful portrayal of Panjami in the viral short film 'Kaakka', passed away on Thursday. The actor reportedly died of a heart attack in Sharjah where she was working in a bank. She is the daughter of Sajeev and Limitta of Vazhavelil house, Kacheripady in Palluruthy.

Lakshmika acted in films such as 'Oru Yamandan Premakatha', 'Panchavarna Thatha', 'Saudi Vellakka', 'Puzhayamma', 'Uyare', 'Oru Kuttanadan Blog' and 'Nithyaharitha Nayakan'. Lakshmika's death has shocked her close friends and many in the Malayalam film industry.


In one of her previous interviews, Lakshmika had said she had doubted whether she would be able to do justice to her character Panjami in 'Kaakka'. “The role was supposed to be essayed by another actor. When I landed the role, I was pretty unsure if I would be able to essay Panjami's role well. I also took some time to get used to the makeup for the short film. However, I was surprised by the acceptance my character received,” she had said.

'Kaakka', which released on YouTube during Covid, directed by Aju Ajeesh, revolved around a young dark-skinned girl with protruding teeth, who has to face several hardships due to her physical appearance.

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