Firoz Khan and Sajna Firoz, who rose to fame after their participation in the third season of Bigg Boss Malayalam, are headed for a divorce. Sajna revealed that the duo have arranged for a mutual divorce and the reason was purely personal. She disclosed details of the divorce in a recent interview with a YouTube channel. She also alleged people have started treating her differently after they learned about the divorce
"I have something sad to share. Those who were close to us would also not have expected this, but Firoz Ikka and I are preparing for a divorce. We have mutually agreed to it. I do not want to reveal the reason. It is entirely personal,” she said. She then described how some people took advantage of her 'divorce' situation.
“To compound my problems, some people have behaved inappropriately with me, knowing that I am going through a divorce. I had a bad experience even from someone whom I saw as a brother. Many people talk and behave in such a manner, knowing that I am no longer with Firoz Ikka.
“During an event, he (friend) came up to me and tried to take a photograph with me. He placed his hand on my back and started to caress my body. I was unable to comprehend if he had bad intentions. However, I stepped away suddenly. My friends also intervened and I asked him to leave. It was terribly shocking, and I cried a lot,” she said
Sajna, meanwhile, dismissed rumours that linked her husband Firoz with a woman who had filed a case against social media influencer Shiyas Kareem. “Shiyas has nothing to do with our separation. Firoz ikka and I had differences of opinion in our marriage. There is no third person. Many people have enquired whether Firoz ikka had a relationship with the woman who had issues with Shiyas, especially after they saw a reel of him and the woman together,” she said.
She added that she and Firoz still maintain a cordial relationship with each other. "Even though we are separated, I talk to Firoz Ikka. Our children do not know that we are separated. The children are with my mother. We informed them that he has gone for a shoot. Separation is a painful process for children,” she said and added that she has changed her name to Sajna Noor.
This was Firoz and Sajna's second marriage. Sajna and Firoz were the first couple to compete in Bigg Boss Malayalam. Although they put up a strong performance, both were eliminated halfway through the show. Sajna was also active in serials.