Bollywood actor Aamir Khan has chosen to temporarily move to Chennai for a couple of months to support his mother, Zeenat Hussain, who is currently undergoing medical treatment in the city at a private medical facility.
According to India Today reports, Aamir has arranged his accommodation at a hotel in close proximity to the medical facility where his mother is receiving treatment. This decision comes after his mother suffered a heart attack in October last year.

Aamir Khan shares a deep bond with his mother. In a recent interview, he expressed his decision to take a break from his career to be there for his ageing mother and his three children, Junaid, Ira, and Azad.
Aamir has also made headlines recently by announcing his upcoming film, titled 'Sitare Zameen Par'. He revealed that the film will explore a theme similar to his 2007 hit, "Taare Zameen Par." Additionally, Aamir is reportedly backing an upcoming feature film, as per PTI.

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