Thalapathy Vijay's upcoming film, 'Leo,' is embroiled in multiple controversies, as reported by the Free Press Journal. Recently, fake tickets were sold in Madurai. But, the makers are in trouble yet again after background dancers, who worked in the film, accused the production house, Seven Screen Studio, of non-payment of dues. Taking the producers' side, RK Selvamani, president of Film Employees' Federation of South India, shared a statement.

According to Free Press Journal reports, It all came to light after one of the background dancers, shared a video on social media in which he can be seen requesting the makers to pay him his deserved salary.
Not just him, but numerous freelancing dancers who worked in the song, reached the office of the production house, Seven Screen Studio, demanding that their money be paid to them. On October 10, President of Film Employees' Federation of South India, RK Selvmani, finally broke his silence and explained the entire controversy.


In the statement, he said that a total of 2000 background dancers were involved in the song Naa Ready, out of which, only 600 dancers were registered with the Tamil Nadu Film, Television Dancers & Dance Directors Union. The remaining 1400 freelancing dancers were employed by choreographer Dinesh Master.

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