The makers of Leo, which is gearing up for a pan-Indian release this month, is facing issues with theatre exhibitors in North India. As per reports, most multiplex chains have declined to screen the movie since the Vijay-starrer will release on OTT after a month. The multiplex chains are reportedly demanding that the film only release on OTT after eight weeks. This is contrary to the South Indian industry norms, which allow filmmakers a window period of four weeks for an OTT release.

The move is expected to deal a blow to the 'Leo' filmmakers since they had planned to cash in on the film's pan-Indian appeal. The film, which features an ensemble cast is directed by Lokesh Kanagaraj who helmed films like 'Kaithi' and 'Vikram', which were both blockbusters. There is a lot of anticipation around the film, which revolves around serial killings and a police investigation. Anirudh is the music composer of the film, which also stars Trisha, Sanjay Dutt and Mathew Thomas in prominent roles.

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