The trailer of the latest film 'Jaladhara Pump Set Since 1962' is out. The film produced by Baiju Chellamma, Sagar, and Sanitha Sasidharan under the banner 'Wonder Frames Filmland' is a court-room satire, directed by Ashish Chinnappa and features Indrans and Urvashi in the lead roles. The trailer, which was released by Dileep on his social media handles, has generated discussions on social media, with many sharing their excitement on seeing both Indrans and Urvashi together.

Indrajith, Asif Ali, Antony Varghese, Lal Jose, Suraj Venjaramoodu, Dhyan Sreenivasan, also feature in the film.


Recent state-award winner Master Davinci, Sagar, Johny Antony, T G Ravi, Vijayaraghavan, Althaf, Jayan Cherthala, Sivaji Guruvayoor, Sajin Cherukayil, Kalabhavan Haneef, Thankachan Vithura, Vishnu Govindan, Sanusha, Nisha Sarang, Anjali Sunilkumar, Sneha Reji, Shylaja Ambu, Nitha Karma, among others are also part of the film.

The screenplay is by Prajin M P and Ashish Chinnappa, while the story is penned by Sanu K Chandran. Sajith Purushan has cranked the camera for the film, while Kailas is the music composer.


Rathin Radhakrishnan is the editor, while Dileep Nath is the art director. The remaining crew are: production controller - Biju K Thomas, make-up - Sinoop Raj, lyrics – B K Harinarayanan, Manu Manjith, costumes - Arun Manohar, sound Design - Dhanush Nayanar, audiography - Vipin Nair, chief associate director - Rajesh Adoor, casting director - Joshy Medayil, VFX - Sabareesh (Live Action Studios), PRO – A S Dinesh, Athira Diljith, trailer cuts - Fin George Varghese, stills - Noushad Kannur, designs - Ma Mi Jo, digital marketing – Anoop Sundaran. The film will hit theatres on August 11.