The local YouTube channels love actor Bala. He always manages to give them something to keep their views going. Now, his latest video, in which he appears with his wife, Elizabeth, is being discussed on social media. Bala starts the video by singing an Ilayaraja song and says it isn't wise to keep changing relationships.

"During a stage show, Mammukka said the husband-and-wife relationship is a holy bond. I also share that viewpoint. I have said this before. There is no blood relation between a husband and wife, but you have a blood relationship with your parents, siblings, and children. Even if there is no blood relation, there is a good thing that happens there. Consider this as a message, though I don’t know if I am qualified to say this. Take this generally; everyone will have some issues.


"This song says when you lose your father, mother, brother, or sister, you can't find a replacement. The same applies to every other relationship. It is not right to keep changing your relationships. Every relationship will have its difficulties. Even if you change your relationship, others don't have the right to comment on it. We should pray that everyone lives well. That is the biggest commitment," said Bala

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