A few hours after the trailer of Blessy's magnum opus 'Aadujeevitham' got leaked online, the director posted a video, saying he was hurt to see a footage of the film being circulated. However, he confirmed that it was not the official trailer, but only a video clip sent to some foreign agencies.

“The unofficial trailer of ‘Aadujeevitham’ is being circulated on social media since yesterday evening. The three-minute-long footage first appeared on the American website Deadline. You can’t really call it a trailer. Because the music used in that has been done on the keyboard. We haven’t done the correct colour-grading on them. This is a video clip sent to agents for screening at some festivals and for business purposes including world release. A trailer lasts for one and a half to two minutes. This is almost three minutes long,” he said.


He added that he felt really sad to see the footage being circulated. “ I feel really sad to see this being circulated. This is not the official trailer. The post-production work is underway right now. It is mentally distressing to go through such a crisis at this stage. I am posting this video to let people know the truth behind the trailer,” said Blessy. 

Prithviraj, who plays the lead character in the film, had shared the trailer with a clarification after the preview of the trailer got leaked online.

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