Actor Guinness Pakru and his wife Gayathri have announced the arrival of their second child. Pakru posted the photo of his newborn daughter on his social media page. His elder daughter Deeptha can also be seen holding the baby. He has captioned the picture, ‘Chechiyamma’.

Gayathri was under the care of doctors at Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Centre. Pakru also thanked the hospital authorities in his post.


Guinness Pakru got married to Pathanapuram native Gayathri on March 8, 2006. They welcomed their daughter Deeptha on April 14, 2009. Pakru had once said the couple had another child before Deeptha. However, she had passed away after two weeks. Pakru had entered the Guinness World Records for being the shortest actor to play a full-length role in a feature film. The movie titled ‘Albhutha Dweepu’, was directed by Vinayan. Apart from appearing in a slew of films, he is very active on stage and comedy shows.