'Higuita', the film featuring Suraj Venjaramoodu in the lead, is all set to hit theatres on March 31. The movie, directed by Hemanth G Nair, had courted controversy after writer and political commentator N S Madhavan had accused the makers for using the title of his acclaimed short story as the movie name.

Many had come out in support of N S Madhavan, while others argued that it is not fair for the writer to claim the title as his own property. The Kerala Film Chamber also intervened in the issue. When talks failed, the makers of the film had threatened they would go to court regarding the issue.

Now, the filmmakers have released a poster announcing the date of the film, while retaining the movie title.

According to Hemanth, the movie is in no way connected to Madhavan's short story and that the film revolves around a politician. He said they decided to use the title saying that a political leader is someone who defends his party like a goalkeeper and since they wanted a name with a punch, they decided to name the film 'Higuita'


Madhavan had earlier argued that the Colombian goalkeeper had come into Kerala's consciousness through him. NS Madhavan's short story focused on a Catholic priest named Geevarghese who was a fan of the famous and retired Colombian football goalkeeper Rene Higuita. Though the story does not have any direct link to the legendary goalkeeper, his traits have been imbibed to shape the protagonist's character.

'Higuita' also features Dhyan Sreenivasan, Indrans, Manoj K Jayan, Vineeth Kumar among others.

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