Days after a video of his speech, in which actor-politician Suresh Gopi said he would pray for the 'total destruction of non-believers', went viral, the former Rajya Sabha MP has claimed that a doctored version of his speech caused the controversy. He alleged that the video clip was edited out of context.

Taking to Instagram, Suresh Gopi said he decided to respond soon after he came to know about the video. "I have come across a circulating video clip taken from one of my recent speeches, but it has been edited without proper context. I wanted to address this issue as soon as I became aware of it," (sic) he said.


In the video, the politician can be heard saying he has 'no love' for non-believers and would pray for the 'total destruction of those who harm the rights of the believers.'

However, in his clarification post the former MP said that he was 'not disrespecting the valuable, sensible and thoughtful thinking of non-believers or atheists, and never will'. "I haven't spoken of them, and my speech has been cut into pieces to satisfy their venomous desire to deflect my idea. I was talking about hindrances and attempts to foil exhibition, exhibit or display of loyal religious constitutionally acceptable practices of my religion," he wrote in the post.


He claimed he said he would pray for the damnation of those who try to penetrate in the name of politics or other religions. "I was referring to the distractors in Sabarimala and all those political forces who came against my religious right. That was my only intention and content. For political benefits, no ba****d should be allowed to display his politrick and I am completely against it. Let me say my intention and no one has to reroute it. I was not indulging in politics while I said this, and never will," he wrote.

Many people, including writer N S Madhavan, slammed the actor for his hate speech. The writer also said he regretted supporting Suresh Gopi in the past.

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