Chennai: Samantha Ruth Prabhu recently visited the Palani Murugan temple in Tamil Nadu with some friends and 'Jaanu' movie director C Premkumar. Photos and videos of the actress offering prayers and performing pooja at the temple after climbing 600 steps of the temple barefoot have already gone viral on social media. Samantha, who was dressed in an all-white churidar-kurta and a printed shawl, was also seen lighting the diya on the way.

The actress, who suffers from Myositis, an autoimmune disease condition that causes acute muscular pain, has started shooting for the web series 'Citadel' in which she shares screen space with Bollywood actor Varun Dhawan.

'Citadel' is the Indian version of the international sci-fi action web series of the same name created by the Russo Brothers. In the international series, Priyanka Chopra plays the lead. The Indian web series is directed by the director duo Raj and DK, who had helmed the popular web series, 'The Family Man', in which Samantha played the role of Raji, a Sri Lankan Tamil militant.

She had recently tweeted: "I am thrilled to be part of this brilliant universe conceptualised by the Russo Brothers AGBO. I am also looking forwar to working with Varun for the first time. He is someone who is full of life and cheer when you are around him."

Samantha is awaiting the release of her Telugu mythological movie 'Shakunthalam' in which she shares the screen with Prakash Raj and Dev Mohan. The movie is to be released on April 14.

(with IANS inputs)