South Indian actress Samyukta has decided to remove her sur name ‘Menon’ that denotes her caste. The actress made it clear in an interview conducted as part of the promotion of her up coming movie ‘Vaathi’ starring Dhanush in the lead role.
Samyukta had changed her name on her social media handles some time ago. She will be playing the role of a teacher in ‘Vaathi’ that would hit the theatres on 17 February.

In the interview, when the presenter called her Samyukta Menon, the actress asked her not to mention her sur name. “You could call me Samyukta. Earlier, my caste name too was part of my name. I have asked the producers of my new movies to avoid ‘Menon’ from my name. I had already removed my caste surname from my social medial handles,” Samyuka said.


The actress had, in a post shared on her Instagram page, requested the media portals to address her as Samyukta. Lots of people are appreciating the actress for taking such a bold decision. In Malayalam, she was last seen in ‘Kaduva’. Meanwhile, Samyukta is awaiting the release of Telugu film ‘Virupaksha’ starring Sai Dharam Tej. 

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