The makers of 'Mukundan Unni Associates' featuring Vineeth Sreenivasan have announced a sequel to the film. Vineeth announced the news in a Facebook live on Wednesday night. “Thankyou everyone for the support. We have a small announcement. We are planning a sequel to Mukundan Unni Associates'. The second part will hit theatres in 2024,” said the actor who plays a devious advocate in the film, directed by Abhinav Sundar Nayak.

The movie hit theatres on November 11 and ever since then the film has been receiving positive reviews, especially for its making style and fun script.


Addressing the media, Vineeth also said that he always appreciates negative feedback from the audience. “When 'Hridayam' got released, I received quite a handful of negative remarks about the film. When I speculated about it, the remarks made sense. Such comments have helped me whenever I create a new character,” he said.

His comments come at a time when people have been criticising filmmaker Anjali Menon's take on negative reviews. The director of 'Wonder Women' had said film critics should study cinema before passing judgements about filmmaking.