‘Rorshach’ released in theatres on October 7. The film, which centres around a cold, calculative man named Luke Antony who arrives in a village claiming his wife is missing, features Mammootty, Jagadish, Bindu Panicker, Grace Antony, Sharafudheen, Kottayam Nazeer among others in the lead. The main highlight of the movie, however, is the arrival of a masked man. The man who is painted as the antagonist in the film does not reveal his face throughout the movie, which has left a lot of room for doubt. Prior to the film release, speculations were rife that Asif Ali played the role of the masked man named Dileep, in ‘Rorscach’.

On Tuesday, the makers finally confirmed our doubts and clarified that it was indeed Asif Ali who played Dileep’s role in the film. ‘Presenting to you Asif Ali as Dileep in Rorschach’, wrote Mammootty on Facebook.



Making of Dileep’s heaven in ‘Rorschach’


Those who watched Mammootty’s Rorschach won’t forget that unpainted mansion called Dileep’s heaven so easily. A large portion of the film is shot inside the mansion where Mammootty’s Luke Antony lives. He purchases the mansion for a whopping 45 lakhs and that’s also the point at where the film starts to unfold.

This mansion was built under the supervision of art director Shaji Naduvil and Production Controller Prashant Narayanan. A lot of money was spent on creating this set. This mansion was built in concrete like any other house.


It is said that the mansion was used by the crew members between shoots for lodging and other purposes.

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