On September 1, 2022, a short film named ‘Pralhad’ was released on the YouTube channel Humara Movie. The film is based on the book ‘There’s No Such Thing as a Self-Made Man’ which is the late Shri Pralhad P Chhabria’s autobiography. It is produced by Schbang Motion Pictures which was further backed by Finolex Industries.

The storyline showcased the life journey of Finolex Industry’s founder late Shri Pralhad P Chhabria whose role was played by Ritvik Sahore. Aabid Shamim, Chinamay Das, and Annapurna Soni are few of the remaining cast members.


 The short movie has won honours at the London Film and Television Festival, Moscow International Film Festival, Prague International Film Festival, and 22 other international and Indian film festivals. Even after it was released on YouTube, Pralhad continued to be honoured on social media, with the hashtag ‘Celebrating Pralhad’ dominating Twitter's trending topics.

The short film is based on the year 1945 when Late Shri Pralhad P Chhabria moved to Mumbai to financially support his family after his father passed away, leaving behind everything in Amritsar. 


Pralhad's narrative is to inspire people and remind them to never forget their basic principles. It conveys the idea that the only traits that can make someone successful are empathy and humility. All of this is demonstrated by taking the audience through the life journey of the Late Shri Pralhad P Chhabria. Finolex’s founder did set a good example, from being a 14-year-old lad with just 10 rupees in his pocket to becoming the owner of one of India’s top industries Finolex, which today holds a value of INR 10,000. 

Late Shri Pralhad P Chhabria was not only an industrialist but was also a notable philanthropist in his time. He was the founder of the Hope Foundation and Research Centre and Mukul Madhav Foundation, which help people by providing medical facilities, education and social welfare for the underprivileged.


He also established the engineering colleges that are International Institute of Information Technology in Hinjawadi, Pune, Maharashtra and Finolex Academy of Management and Technology in Ratnagiri. He also founded the Mukul Madhav Vidyalaya in Ratnagiri. Now in the present time, the Finolex Group has been continuing the late Shri Pralhad P Chhabria's legacy by giving value to their CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility). Hence, they have been assisting the EWS (economically weaker sections) and have been helping the society to grow.

Finolex Group has been in the industry since 1981 and it has always been known for its contributions to the agricultural sector and the country’s development all over. Be it urban or rural, both areas have Finolex customers of Finolex. Thus, they have helped everyone by providing quality fittings and PVC pipes. Along with making the company touch unprecedented heights, Pralhad P Chhabria also built ever-lasting relationships in the industry. Currently, Finolex Industry’s ultimate goal is to stand strong by its core values and spread its horizons even further.

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