Serial actress Mridhula Vijay had recently given birth to a baby daughter. Now, the actress and her husband, Yuva Krishna, who is also a popular TV artist, posted photos of the baby naming ceremony, announcing the name of their daughter.

“We are so excited to introduce our little princess DWANI KRISHNA. Our sign of love,” the actors wrote.


Dwani was born on August 18. The actors had thanked fans and well-wishers for keeping them in their prayers. Mridhula often posted photos and videos regarding the pregnancy on her social media handles.

Mridhula who shot to fame with serials like ‘Bharya’ and ‘Pookkalam Varavayi’ was part of ‘Thumbapoo’, a family drama, running in Mazhavil Manorama. However, she later dropped out of the serial following her pregnancy based on her doctor’s request.


Yuva Krishna who married Mridula in 2021 plays Manu Pratap in the serial ‘Manjil Virinja Poovu’, which is also airing in Mazhavil Manorama