The teaser of Sunny movie has been unveiled by the makers. The the first look of the film directed by Ranjith Sankar was revealed recently and managed to create a hype among the film buffs.

The teaser video


“Sunny, a journey to the self,” is how Jayasurya decribed the video sharing the teaser on his social media pages. And going by the 50-seconds long video, we get to see varied emotions portrayed by the actor. Begining from a hesitancy, the character seems to be despising himself.

100th film


Sunny is one of the most anticipated films in the Malayalam film industry as it is Jayasurya’s 100th film. The actor will be seen Jayasurya playing the role of a musician.

The film, bankrolled by Dreams N Beyond has music by Sankar Sharma, who has worked on Amen. The DoP is Madhu Neelakandan, editing is by Shameer Muhammed.


The hit-combo


With Sunny, this will be the seventh film Jayasurya and Ranjith Sankar together. Interestingly, the writer-director wrote the film during the lockdown and now the film is completing the production. 

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