Actor Shah Rukh Khan's daughter Suhana Khan shared a post on her Instagram and called out her trolls who abused her for her skin colour. The post set the social media on fire as it brought forward an issue we tend to brush aside.

The first photo on the post was of a beaming Suhana, which were followed by a series of comments about her skin color; none were kind, and had the word “kaali” in most of them. (The literal translation of the word ‘kaali’ is black. It is a slur used against dark-skinned people.)


While Suhana's post garnered a lot for positive responses from several people, celebs from the film fraternity too joined in her support. Her post evoked some strong reactions from celebs like Zoya Akhtar, Ibrahim Ali Khan, Khushi Kapoor, Sanjay Kapoor and others.

Mollywood ladies too extended support to her 'end colourism' post.

Suhana's post

While Anupama Parameswaran shared her post and mentioned 'it wasn't healthy criticism', Ahaana expressed that one should 'stop running behind the melanin'.

Remya Nambeesan, Geetu Mohandas and Nimisha Sajayan too joined in and shared Suhana's Instagram story.

Ahaana and Anupama shared Instagram stories

Hate comments on social media are nothing new for women and it looks like it's not even easy for a superstar's daughter.

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