Malayalam actress Shalini has turned 40 year old on Wednesday. Though she does not have an account on social media platforms, her fan clubs are pretty strong. On the ocassion of her birthday, fans have sent in wishes and #HBDShaliniAjith is trending on Twitter.

Born to Babu and Alice, Shalini made her acting debut at the age of three. Her father is from Kollam and her mother from Thiruvalla. Her father migrated to Madras, with an ambition of becoming an actor and the family settled there. Later, he fulfilled his ambition through his children.

Shalini began her career as a child artiste with the Malayalam film Ente Mamattikkuttiyammakku. Thereafter she acted in a host of other films before making her debut as an adult in the 1997 release Aniyathipraavu.

In 1999, she starred alongside Ajith Kumar in Amarkalam which proved to be a blockbuster. Thala and Shalini began dating during the shoot of the film much to the delight of their fans. They eventually tied the knot in 2000 and added a new dimension to their relationship. Shortly after her marriage, Shalini quit films to focus on her family life.

The duo has two children – Anoushka and Aadvik.