Borderless world: Dr Tom Joseph on the evolving educational landscape

Tom M Joseph at Manorama News Conclave. Photo: Screengrab/Manorama News

The educational sector has been undergoing significant changes and JAIN (Deemed-to-be University) has been at the forefront of these developments, said Dr Tom M Joseph, Director of New Initiatives while speaking at the Manorama News Conclave 2024.
He emphasised the evolving nature of education. "Change happens to both formally and informally educated individuals. There has been a traditional educational system in Kerala, but now, education has become an experience. JAIN University’s motto, 'Be the change, be the future,' reflects our commitment to introducing new courses that align with employer demands, moving away from traditional educational models," he said.

Addressing the increasing migration of students abroad, Dr Tom acknowledged the global nature of education today, stating, "We live in a borderless world, and people are naturally inclined to explore opportunities beyond their own countries.” He categorised students who move abroad into three groups: the first being highly focused students aiming for prestigious universities like the Ivy League; the second group includes those seeking admission to fairly good schools; and the third category comprises students who choose destinations based on their preference rather than the institution’s reputation.

Dr Tom also pointed out the limitations of government in providing opportunities for all students. He highlighted that while there are numerous opportunities available to the youth in India, a proper policy framework is necessary to maximise these opportunities.

When discussing the selection of universities, Dr Tom advised students to consider the disciplines offered by institutions, suggesting, "Students should choose universities that provide them with good exposure." He also cautioned against relying on any single vision for the future of education, noting the unpredictability of changes. "Disruptions occur all the time, not just in education. So, one fancy vision statement won’t hold for long," he stated.
He concluded by mentioning Kerala’s recent openness to foreign universities, observing, "Kerala is now welcoming foreign universities, a move that other states adopted many years ago. These changes are coming and will impact the overall educational system."

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