Shipping experts urge reviving crew changes at Vizhinjam port to boost revenue, jobs

Vizhinjam International Seaport
Container ship San Fernando reaches Vizhinjam International Seaport Limited (VISL), in Thiruvananthapuram, on July 11, 2024. The container ship from China berthed at Kerala's Vizhinjam Seaport marking the first arrival of such a vessel at India's largest transshipment port. Photo: Instagram @vizhinjamseaportofficial

Thiruvananthapuram: Shipping experts are advocating for the implementation of a crew change facility at Vizhinjam port, where a new transshipment terminal recently welcomed its first container vessel. This initiative is expected to not only boost revenues but also create additional local employment opportunities. The proximity of Thiruvananthapuram International Airport to Vizhinjam is seen as a major advantage in facilitating this facility.

Crew change involves the replacement of crew members on container and cargo ships, a process that can generate significant economic benefits. With many existing international ports facing congestion for crew changes, Vizhinjam presents a promising alternative, experts say. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the port received temporary permission from the Maritime Board for crew changes, proving to be a massive success. Over 700 ships utilized this facility, generating around Rs 10 crore in government revenue and benefiting local businesses such as hotels and transport services.

The positive response from shipping companies, including major international liners, highlighted the potential of Vizhinjam as a crew change hub. The facility operated from June 2020 until July 2022, when it was closed following a government order marking the end of the COVID-19 crisis.

The first crew change at Vizhinjam occurred on June 15, 2020, with the arrival of one of the world's largest container ships. Between 2020 and 2022, a total of 736 mother vessels and supertankers used the port for crew changes.

During its operational period, Vizhinjam was designated an 'international crew change and bunkering hub' by the Maritime Board. The port was equipped with customs and immigration offices and received the ISPS Code (International Ship and Port Facility Security Code) after arranging all necessary facilities. However, further official procedures to permanently establish this facility are currently delayed, according to shipping experts.

Establishing a permanent crew change facility at Vizhinjam could significantly enhance its status as a strategic maritime hub, boosting local employment and contributing to economic growth in the region.

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