Governor replaces Bijoy Nandan with another CUSAT prof as Kannur University VC

Prof K K Saju. Photo: Special arrangement

Kannur: Kerala Governor Arif Mohammed Khan has appointed Prof K K Saju of Cochin University of Science & Technology (CUSAT) as Vice Chancellor in charge of Kannur University.

Prof Saju is the head of the Department of Mechanical Engineering at CUSAT. “He shall exercise the powers and perform the duties of the Vice-Chancellor, Kannur University with effect from June 1, 2024, in addition to his normal duties, until further orders,” said the notification issued by the Governor's secretariat on Friday, May 31.

He will replace Prof S Bijoy Nandan, who will return to CUSAT, his parent organisation. Governor Khan posted Prof Nandan at the helm of Kannur University on December 2, after the post fell vacant following the Supreme Court judgment quashing the reappointment of Prof Gopinath Ravindran as Vice-Chancellor.

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