The separate lists of candidates who have secured admission to medical and Ayurveda courses in Kerala based on the National Eligibility-cum-Entrance Test (Undergraduate), 2021, have been published.

The admission to the medical and other bachelor’s courses would be done based on these lists (Click on the link KEAM–2021–RANK LIST on the website — — of the Commissioner for Entrance Examinations' (CEE).

The options for these courses could be submitted online until 5 pm on 9 February. Meanwhile, the allotment list would be published on 11 February. Candidates who get the allotment can join the college until 4 pm from 14–17 February.

Undergraduate courses
1. Medical graduate courses: Ayurveda, Homeopathy, Siddha and Unani.

2. Other graduate courses: Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries, Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry, Cooperation and Banking, Climate Change and Environmental Sciences and BTech Biotechnology.

MBBS and BDS aren’t included in this list. The complete list of the names of the colleges where each course is available and the fee structure too are included in the notification.

Read and understand the sections 9.7.5.ii,iii (page 37), 11 (pages 42– 46) in the prospectus before submitting the options.

Who can submit options?
Candidates who find a spot in Ayurveda rank list can opt for Ayurveda (including the marks for Sanskrit).

Aspirants who are included in the medical rank list and are eligible as per NEET guidelines can choose Homeopathy, Siddha and Unani courses.

(Candidates are eligible only if they have at least 50th percentile. Meanwhile, candidates from Scheduled Caste/Tribe and Other Backward Class communities need only 40th percentile. It is 45th percentile for persons with disabilities).

Those who are included in medical rank list can apply for all courses except Homeopathy, Siddha and Unani (only 20 marks in NEET is required to get eligibility for these courses. However, there is no minimum marks restriction for Scheduled Caste/Tribe and Other Backward Class communities).

Participating institutions
The CEE would conduct the allotment to 15% seats for Ayurveda, Homeopathy, Siddha and Unani graduate courses at self-financed colleges, irrespective of the candidate’s hometown. All Indians are eligible for these seats.

Government, aided, private and self–financing colleges are included in the admission process. Reservation as per guidelines is available.

Fees to be paid
Those who get allotment to government and aided colleges should pay the entire tuition fee in the name of 'The Commissioner for Entrance Examinations' (CEE).

Meanwhile, the candidates who are admitted in self-financing colleges should pay Rs 1 lakh in the CEE's name and the rest of the amount at the college. The amount that is given in the allotment memo could be paid in the CEE's name via online or at the head post offices anywhere in Kerala.

The candidates should join the college only after paying the fee.
There is no tuition fee for candidates of Scheduled Caste/Tribe communities, Other Eligible Categories, wards of fisherfolk and residents of Sree Chitra Poor Home/Nirbhaya Home. However, they should pay Rs 1,000 as token amount in the CEE's name.

Revision of options
The options could be revised, multiple times, until 5 pm on 9 February. The chance in this stream would be lost if the candidate doesn’t join the allotted college within 4 pm on 17 February. However, they can still apply for MBBS and BDS courses. Aspirants whose results have been held back in the rank list too can submit options. They would be considered for allotment if they rectify the mistakes and submit the necessary documents within 5 pm on 8 February.

Tips to note while option submission
The aspirants should be careful while opting for the various courses and colleges in the order of preference, after considering their spot in the rank list and scope for admission. The parents too should be part of this decision. Fee is a significant feature here. It is impossible to move to a lower option after a higher option has been allotted. The candidate could never get such an option even if there are vacant seats. So, it is better to avoid a situation where a higher option with unaffordable fee is chosen and then unable to change it.

The guidelines and regulations should be clearly studied before submitting options.

Refer the list of last ranks that were admitted last year to get a better idea about the scope of admission.

Click on the KEAM– 2020– LAST RANK LIST links on the website to see the category-wise list of last ranks that were admitted to the various courses and colleges.

For option submission, visit

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