Air India Express has begun its Onam flash sale, with ticket prices starting from Rs 932. The Express Lite rate will apply to tickets booked until September 16 through and the mobile app for journeys up to March 31, 2025. However, tickets booked through other channels will be available at an express value from Rs 1088 onwards. 
Tickets on sale price are available in the Kochi – Bengaluru, Bengaluru – Chennai, Delhi – Gwalior and Guwahati – Agartala routes that are busy during the Onam season. 

Those who book tickets through the website and travel on express lite rates sans the check – in baggage would get up to three kilos of additional cabin baggage, free of cost, if the tickets are booked in advance. Meanwhile, passengers who carry extra luggage would be charged Rs 1000 for 15 kilos of check – in baggage in domestic flights and Rs 1300 for 20 kilos in international flights. 
Air India Express Loyalty members who purchase tickets from the website will get new coins for up to eight per cent and gourmet food, drinks, prime seats, and priority services for a 40 per cent discount. Students, senior citizens, small and medium-scale entrepreneurs, doctors, nurses, defence personnel, and their wards can also book tickets for a special discount through the website. 


The Express Biz rates which are equivalent to the business class is available in all the new Boeing 737 – 8 aircrafts. The passengers can even upgrade their tickets to the Express biz class for better travelling experience including seats that are up to 58 inches apart. As part of their rapid extension plans, Air India Express has been adding up to four brand new aircrafts to their fleet each month. 4 – 8 biz class seats are available in more than 30 new aircrafts that have been acquired by Air India Express after October 2023.