Will Nehru Trophy Boat Race be held after Onam? Know more

The organisers and the boat clubs had spent hefty amounts for the preparations of the boat race that was originally scheduled to be held on August 10. Photo: Jimmy Kamballur

Alappuzha: To the disappointment of boat race enthusiasts, the chances of conducting the iconic Nehru Trophy Boat Race this year continue to be slim. The representatives of the Kerala Boat Races Federation coordination committee met the Kerala Chief Minister and Tourism Minister to submit an appeal regarding the boat race. However, the CM reportedly told them that the government has not thought about conducting the annual regatta this time. Meanwhile, Tourism Minister Muhammad Riyas said that the government wouldn’t provide financial assistance for the event. But, district collector Alex Varghese noted that the boat race isn’t cancelled yet and may be conducted after Onam. He even vowed to raise this issue at the upcoming collectors’ conference.

Chief Minister had said that the government hasn’t given serious thought about conducting the boat race this year as it seems like an inappropriate time, due to the Wayanad landslide of late July. Meanwhile, minister Riyas added that the government couldn’t provide financial assistance for the event, considering the present situation. However, the boat clubs and boat owners could conduct the race on their own. The government had earlier cancelled this year’s Champion’s Boat League too. Even though the chief minister read the appeal submitted by the coordination committee representatives, in which they had mentioned the expenses and other preparations done for the regatta, his response wasn’t favourable. The representatives had even met Minister VN Vasavan and P Prasad at their offices in Thiruvananthapuram. However, they urged the representatives to take up the matter with the chief minister.

Earlier, ministers had expressed hope that the boat race may be conducted after Onam. The organisers and the boat clubs had spent hefty amounts for the preparations of the boat race that was originally scheduled to be held on August 10. Meanwhile, the government is worried whether they would have to pay compensation to the boat clubs if the event is held. Besides, the organisers may struggle to sell the tickets even if a new date is announced now. 

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