Palakkad: The Southern Railway has suggested pushing the departure time of the Bengaluru-Ernakulam Vande Bharat special service by an hour. As per the suggestion, the train, which used to start from the Bengaluru Cantonment Station at 5.30 am, will now start at 6.30 am. The change was suggested after passengers from Bengaluru city found it difficult to reach the Cantonment station on time. However, the South West Railway, which includes the Bengaluru division, has yet to respond. They are of the view that a time change would require more contemplation as the station only has three platforms.

Though Bengaluru Central was the preferred starting station for the service, there was no space to accommodate it. The Ernakulam-Bengaluru special service will end on August 26. An order to extend the service considering the Onam season is expected to be issued soon. According to IRCTC, the Ernakulam-Bengaluru service has received 105 per cent booking, while the Bengaluru-Ernakulam service is 88 per cent booked.


Several passengers don't get tickets on Saturday and Sunday. There are a total of 600 seats in chair and executive classes across eight coaches. Passengers have urged people's representatives, including ministers, to intervene urgently and regularise the service by approving one more rake. Last month, an additional rake was sanctioned for the Mangaluru-Goa Vande Bharat, which only has 31 per cent ridership.