Visa rejection: Know about the refund policy and how to apply

When an application is rejected, the application fee is charged as penalties or fine. Photo: Shutterstock

Those who wish to visit foreign lands for various purposes need to go through the visa approval processes. From the application to the scrutiny and approval, these processes involve many complex and thorough steps. Meanwhile, the applicants may be stressed thinking of myriad reasons why the visa application could be rejected. Most people do not know how to handle a situation when the visa gets rejected. They are mostly worried about the application fee that has been paid. In most cases, the application fee is lost or not refunded when the visa application gets rejected. Here are the reasons why you may not get your money back if your visa application has been rejected.

What are non-refundable applications?
Visa applicants must understand that not all visas are refundable. In most cases, the amount paid as a fee isn’t refunded even if the application gets rejected as it comprises the processing cost as well as the fee for the administrative work.
Check the refund policy
Even though the application fee isn’t refundable in case of rejection, some other fees are refundable. For instance, you may get a partial refund of the amount paid for additional services like speedy processing or visa courier. So, it is important to read and understand the refund policy of the embassy or the consulate of the country to which you have applied. These policies may differ for countries.

How to apply for a refund?
In case your visa application gets rejected and you believe that you are eligible for a refund, then you should contact the respective embassy or consulate as soon as possible. Moreover, you need to reach the consulate where you have applied, in person. The details of the application including your reference number, date of application and other required documents should be submitted along with an application for refund.
Refund application forms are available in some embassies and consulates, which need to be filled in. You could either visit the embassy in person or visit the website for this refund form. Besides, the receipts of fees, other proof of payment and the rejection document should be presented.
After applying, you should be in constant touch with the embassy to ensure that they have initiated the refund process. You should also keep all the documents that are related to the refund application. Moreover, try to understand the reason why your application was rejected so that you can rectify the mistakes and apply again.

Schengen visa rejection; India among the bid losers
Those who wish to travel to Europe may have heard of the iconic Schengen visa. However, Indians have mostly faced rejections, last year, while applying for the Schengen visa. Indian applicants have reportedly lost around Rs 109 crore after their applications for the Schengen visa were rejected. Among the 9,66,687 applications, 1,51,752 were rejected. Meanwhile, the exorbitant visa application fee has created panic and stress among the applicants.
When an application is rejected, the application fee is charged as penalties or fine. So, when a Schengen visa application gets rejected, it causes huge financial loss for Indian applicants. Besides, the authorities are hiking the application fee each year, making it extremely difficult for Indians who wish to visit Europe. India stands third behind Turkey and Algeria for the most number of Schengen visa rejections. India has lost around Rs 1172 crore globally due to visa rejections alone. 

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