Singapore is the most powerful passport in the world: What's India's position?

Indian passport. Photo: iStock

The latest ranking released by the Henley Passport Index ranks India’s passport at 82nd position, allowing Indians visa-free entry to 58 countries around the world. Meanwhile, Singapore retained its top spot as the most powerful passport in the world, offering passport holders visas–less entry to 195 countries. The ranking is based on the data from the International Air Transport Association (IATA). The Indian passport’s current rank ties it with countries like Senegal and Tajikistan.

France, Italy, Germany, Spain and Japan tied in the second place have access to 192 countries. The third place has been grabbed by Austria, Finland, Ireland, Luxembourg, Netherlands, South Korea and Sweden with visa-free entry to 191 countries. New Zealand, along with Norway, Switzerland and the United Kingdom share the fourth spot. The citizens of these countries could travel visa-free to 190 countries. Australia and Portugal (189 countries) share the fifth position while Greece and Poland (188) are tied for the sixth spot. Meanwhile, Canada, Malta, Hungary and Czechia (187 destinations) are on the seventh spot.

Using the passport of the United States of America, which grabbed the eighth spot, you could fly visa-free to 186 nations. Estonia, Lithuania and the United Arab Emirates (185) share the ninth spot followed by Iceland, Latvia, Slovakia and Slovenia (184) in the tenth position. Dr Christian Kaelin, chairman of Henley and Partners says, “The global average number of destinations travellers can access visa-free has nearly doubled from 58 in 2006 to 111 in 2024. However, the mobility gap between those at the top and bottom of the index is now wider than it has ever been.”

Henley Passport Index has been collecting and releasing data about air travel facilities in various countries for the last 19 years. It collects credible information from around 227 countries and self-governing territories. Henley manages the status of the passports as soon as the country changes its policies. In 2006, the Indian passport had ranked at 71st position. However, in 2021, it dropped down to 90th spot, an all-time low. Countries like Pakistan and Yemen (100th rank), Iraq (101), Syria (102) and Afghanistan (103) are at the bottom of the list. Holders of Pakistan’s passport have access to 33 countries while Afghanistan, which has the lowest score can travel visa-free to just 26 countries. 

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