Fast-track immigration facility launched to make immigration easier for international travellers

Passengers need to register online to use this facility. Photo: Shutterstock/Oliver Foerstner

The Indira Gandhi International Airport of Delhi recently launched the Fast Track Immigration - Trusted Traveller Programme (FTI – TTP) to make the immigration process easier and hassle-free for international travellers. They could now scan their boarding pass and passport at the electronic gate in terminal 3, instead of standing in long queues to produce the immigration documents to the officers at the counters. Terminal 3 is equipped with eight electronic gates – four in ‘arrival’ and four in ‘departure’ to ensure a seamless travelling experience for the passengers. In the first phase, FTI–TTP will also be introduced in seven major airports in the country including Kochi.

What is FTI–TTP?
Passengers need to register online to use this facility. After completing the verification process by the Bureau of Immigration, the applicant would be considered as a ‘Trusted Traveller’. Only such travellers can use the automated facility at the airports while arriving in the country or flying out. In the initial phase, the FTI–TTP facility would be available only to Indian citizens and Overseas Citizens of India. Foreign travellers may be included in the late stages.
How to apply?
1) Log into the web portal, read the instructions and sign up.
2) The one-time registration will be valid for a maximum of five years or until the validity of the passport expires. The applicants should have a passport with a validity of at least six months.

3) A passport-size photo, scanned copy of the passport, as well as address proof, need to be uploaded.
4) The Bureau of Immigration would verify the details provided by the applicant. It might take up to a month to complete the verification process.
5) The applicant would then receive an appointment to enrol their biometric details. This facility is available at certain airports and at the FRRO offices.
As soon as a registered passenger reaches an e-gate at the airport, they can scan their travel documents and biometrics. Once the authentication is done, the gate will be opened automatically, reducing the congestion and long queues at the airports. 

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