Air India Express cancels more than 20 services from Oman to Kerala

The services from Muscat to the airports in Kozhikode, Kannur and Thiruvananthapuram from June 1 – 7 have been cancelled. Photo: Special Arrangement

To the dismay of expatriates residing in the Gulf region, Air India Express cancels more services to Kerala from Oman. The services from Muscat to the airports in Kozhikode, Kannur and Thiruvananthapuram from June 1 – 7 have been cancelled. Meanwhile, the airline company cited operational crises as the reason for cancelling the flights. A few services that were scheduled from Tuesday to Sunday too were cancelled due to the same reason. Now, more than twenty services, from this Sunday to next Friday, have been cancelled. The airline had sent circulars to the travel agents to notify the passengers. 

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