Kerala's third Vande Bharat Express, an eight-coach train that would run between Ernakulam and Bengaluru, is likely to begin soon. As per reports, once the model code of conduct for the Lok Sabha Elections is over, the service will begin. The electrification of the pit line at Ernakulam Marshalling Yard is completed and the works on drains in the yard will also be done soon. The rake of the train arrived in Kollam in April, but the services couldn't begin due to various technical glitches. Once the service begins, the train will depart Ernakulam South Station at 5 am and reach Bengaluru at 1.35 pm. It will depart from Bengaluru at 2.05 pm and reach Ernakulam at 10.45 m. Thrissur, Palakkad, Coimbatore, Erode and Salem will be the train's stops. 

As of now, Kerala has two Vande Bharat trains. The first one is the Kasaragod–Thiruvananthapuram Vande Bharat Express (20633/20634), which conducts services six days a week, except Tuesdays. It covers its 586 km journey in 8 hours and 5 minutes. Kannur, Kozhikode, Tirur, Shoranur Jn, Thrissur, Ernakulam Jn, Alleppey, and Kollam Jn are its stops, where it halts for two minutes. The Ernakulam Jn station has a three-minute stop. The second one, the Mangaluru Central - Thiruvananthapuram Vande Bharat Express (via Alappuzha) operates daily. The train (20631/20632) travels a distance of 621 km in a travel time of 8 hrs 40 mins. 

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