New Delhi: To make rapid transit and comfortable journeys a reality for people from all walks of life, the Railways is set to deploy faster non-air-conditioned (non-AC) services called Amrit Bharat Trains. Prime Minister Narendra Modi will flag off two Amrit Bharat trains on December 30 in the sacred city of Ayodhya. The first of the services will be conducted in the Ayodhya-Darbhanga section. Ayodhya holds immense importance in Hinduism as the birthplace of Lord Rama, a central figure in the epic Ramayana. The train will chug from the holy city to Darbhanga via Sitamarhi (Bihar), which is known as the birthplace of Sita, Rama’s wife. The second train will conduct services in the Bengaluru-Melda section.

It’s assessed that the next-generation trains which use ‘Push-Pull’ technology will cater to the needs of the common man, especially migrant labourers. The faster train, which will chug at an average speed of 130 kmph, was developed on the model of the Vande Bharat Express and was initially called ‘Vande Sadaran’. It has several new features, keeping in mind the comfort of the common man. The coaches are manufactured at the Integral Coach Factory, Chennai.


Coated in orange-grey colour, the non-AC train will have 22 coaches with 12 second-class three-tier sleeper cars and eight general second-class coaches, besides two guard compartments, each having space for ladies and differently-abled passengers. Specially designed coaches are being readied for the differently-abled and women commuters. Passengers can also enjoy jerk-free travel, thanks to the latest technology used. The coaches also have facilities like CCTV, FRP (zero-discharge) Modular toilets, and sensor water taps, among others, the railways informed.