Rajakumari: The Highway department has decided to install modern landslide detection system as landslide threats still exist at the Devikulam Gap Road in Kochi – Dhanushkodi national highway.

The landslide detection system which is developed jointly by Mandi IIT, the Indian Army and the Defence Research and Development Organisation would be used here. The project has been granted approval by the district administration. Rex Felix, assistant executive engineer at the national highway department said that the proposal regarding this would be submitted soon.


Earlier, the expert teams from Kozhikode National Institute of Technology had studied about the constant incidents of landslips at the Gap Road, twice. In these reports, it was clearly mentioned that the rocks that pose threat should be removed and the slopes need to be levelled using cement.

Meanwhile, the highway department noted that, since there have been controversies about rock mining at the Gap Road, the dangerous rocks could be removed only if they get the permission of the Ministry of Surface Transport.


The works to remove the debris of the landslide that happened at the Gap Road on 7 July are still progressing. During the day time, traffic is being allowed only through a single lane. The highway department stated that even if the maintenance works are completed, the restriction on night traffic would be lifted only after securing the permission of the district administration.

Landslip detection system


The sensors that are installed inside the rocks, at the landslide prone areas, could detect even the slightest tremors and alert the district disaster management authorities. This would enable the district management authorities to warn the public immediately and block the traffic at these areas.

The sensors are installed by drilling the rocks. Earlier, the highway department had installed such a landslip detection system in Himachal Pradesh. It has been decided to install at least 12 units at the Gap Road. Each unit of the landslip detection system would cost Rs 20,000. 

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