The tourism sector, which had been battered by the COVID-19 pandemic, is on the path of recovery.  Most of the tourist centres have opened recently to receive travellers.

Though Himachal Pradesh has reopened its doors for tourists, outsiders are allowed to visit the sought-after Spiti Valley in the state. The reports from Himachal Pradesh point out that the move is to protect the local populace from the highly contagious coronavirus. 


The Spiti Tourism Society has decided, for the time being, that tourists would not be allowed to enter the valley till March 31, 2021. The tourism activity would resume from April 1 and the officials concerned had also expressed regret over the decision to keep the valley out of bounds to the tourists. 

Presently, there is snowfall in Himachal Pradesh and many people are visiting the state to have fun with snow. The native people fear that there would be a spurt in Covid cases as more people would be visiting the Spiti valley during the winter season.


The decision to close the valley had been taken after the local people unanimously asserted that the tourists should be barred from entering the valley for the next five months. 

Lack of proper health infrastructure in the region is a matter of concern for the people and it is also an uphill task to shift COVID-19 patients from the valley to the hospitals. 

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