Rani Padmini starring Rima Kallingal and Manju Warrier, which is set to hit the screens on Vijayadasmi day is an on the road adventure movie. Their journey from Kochi to Himachal Pradesh forms the backdrop of the story. A couple of days ago, the director Aashiq Abu shared some amazing pictures of the locations. We bring you those pictures. **Ottapalam** in Palakkad district has a unique place in the hearts of a Malayalam movie buff. On the banks of the Bharatapuzha, this little village is home to a rich cultural history and a favourite movie locale. **Chandigarh** is one of the most planned cities and also one of the cleanest. The golden hues of the picture adds the charm. **Manali** tops every travellers bucket list of places in India. Located at an altitude of 6,726 ft in the Beas River Valley, it is a small village. It used to form part of a trade route in the good old days. **Jispa** is one of those dream come true destinations situated at 10,500 ft in Himachal Pradesh. You have to reach here to believe that it exists.

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