Indian passport is a very important document for travellers and it has to be renewed periodically. Here is a step-by-step guide to renew your passport.

Indian passport has a validity of only 10 years and needs to be renewed before expiry of the term or immediately afterwards.

To renew the passport online, you need to have a passport account on the official website of Passport Seva.

If already registered, you can login through the 'existing user login' link on the website. In not registered, click on 'new user registration' icon and create a new account. Next, choose the nearest passport office to your address. Create a login ID with a password by submitting your name, date of birth and other details. You will receive an e-mail with the activation link, through which your account can be activated.

Subsequently, enter your passport account and click the tab 'apply for new passport / re-issue passport.' After creating an account, you will have to fill up an online form. This can be done by clicking on the 'apply for new passport/re-issue passport' link. Fill up the form correctly and click on the 'validate' option to save a copy of the form.

Later, click on 'submit' to upload the filled up form. To be safe, it is better to check all facts before this step.

Documents needed

To renew the passport, check the 'Document advisor' in the Passport Seva website. Documentation varies depending on the passport holder's age and method of renewal. These are some of the common documents sought:


Old passport in original

Self-attested copies of the first two and last two pages

Self-attested copy of ECR/non-ECR page

Self-attested copy of the page created by Passport Authority


If applicable, attach self-attested copy of validity extension page in short validity passport (SVP).

Proof of documents needed to cancel SVP.